...politics, pop culture, and self-deprecation...


Obsessed with The Decemberists. It's making me happy. I have these songs stuck in my head all day.

I have three days off. This is unheard of. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with myself, but I think I should stay far away from the MW. I feel like I live there.

I was reading this article in Gourmet magazine the other day about Montmartre, and my urge to live abroad was born anew. My urge to live in Montmartre specifically. But more than that, the article made me realize anew something about myself: how strong my desire is for pattern, for familiarity. I go to the same cafe, the same bar, the same restaurant, day in and day out. And I always give myself shit for being so unspontaneous, so predictable. But there are some places (like Montmartre) where this is the way people live. And knowing that, I feel less shamed for my own predictability. So you'll see me tomorrow at the June Bug, drinking my double short americano, sitting in my chair and reading, just as you saw me yesterday. And don't give me shit, because it's fine with me. And I'll be doing the same thing in Montmartre. But I'll be speaking French.

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