...politics, pop culture, and self-deprecation...


The more of these kinds of articles I read, the more I feel like I'm sinking into some nightmare.

It occurs to me that I want to see a study showing how many women died from illegal abortions before 1973, combined with child abuse records, child abandonment records, and cases of child poverty, and compare them to comparable post-1973 information. Any takers? Any one already done this? Perhaps I'll have to do a little sleuthing.

Oh, and thanks mom and dad, for getting me out of that state when I was young.

Vote Due on South Dakota Bill Banning Nearly All Abortions - New York Times


Ohhhh. So cooool. I'm the biggest dork in the world.

Cut Out + Keep Blog ~ By Cat Morley


I just had this very odd moment, when I actually considered that dinosaurs did exist, and weren't just something made up for the movies, a la King Kong or Godzilla.

Scientists Find Oldest Ancestor Of T. Rex


"You can't spell science without s-i-n."

TIME.com: Viewpoint: The President and the Minotaur -- Page 1


New funnies. (At least, new to me.)

The Adventures of Dr. McNinja


Ok, this is maybe my new favorite thing ever. Not only can you buy the most random ass stuff imaginable, but they write funny copy, too.

American Science & Surplus: Incredible Stuff at Unbelievable Prices


Ok, I'm becoming ridiculously obsessed with the crafting. I just keep thinking of stuff I want to make. This might become a problem. Of course, we'll see if I actually MAKE anything...I can be terrible about moving from inspiration to...er...actually doing stuff. Yeah....

But craftster is my new favorite.
Wait--when did Hugo Chavez become a dictator? I believe he was democratically elected?

Through The Ropes
Yes, this is my general life plan, too. Except I keep getting distracted by all the frivolous distractions.

Scary Go Round :: Monday-Friday Comic by John Allison