...politics, pop culture, and self-deprecation...


Every now and then I'm reminded that I really am a computer geek at heart. I'm in an HTML training course today, and I'm all nerdy and excited and already thinking about going home and designing more pages for this site and...and then I remember that I always get really excited about coding, but it never really goes anywhere.

That's because I like to be very good at everything I do, all the time. That's why I enjoy drinking beer so much--I rock at that. If I don't know everything there is to know about web design (which I don't) I feel like I should wait until I do know everything there is to know. Not exactly a practical goal.

In my quest to fill my life with more interesting activities, however, I'm going to make a concerted effort to allow myself to be imperfect. At least until I become perfect. I suppose it's never too late to learn perserverance. Or something.

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