...politics, pop culture, and self-deprecation...


So here I am in Boston. It snowed yesterday. A lot. Alright, it probably wasn't a lot to the natives, but to me, it was a lot. Today it's all melting and muddy, but I still think it's pretty.

A funny thing I read and an interesting, in a scary, thought-provoking kind of way, thing I read:

-People have apparently taken to calling the French "cheese eating surrender monkeys." I think that is one of the funniest things I've ever heard.

-As reported in the Washington Post: Nearly half of all the duct tape sold in America is manufactured by Henkel Consumer Adhesives in Avon, Ohio. Henkel founder Jack Kahl gave more than $100,000 to Republicans in the 2000 elections.

I still don't have very consistent internet access, so the Smarmy Alligator will be relatively silent for awhile as I search for gainful employment. Wish me luck.

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