...politics, pop culture, and self-deprecation...


Hm. This is very strange. Today was my first day at a very thrilling I'm sure new temp assignment. I arrived at the office of the Worker's Comp Research Institute at 8.45 am, ready to begin very thrilling I'm sure tasks like data entry and filing and what have you. Well. I've been here for over 3 hours now and have yet to speak to my immediate supervisor, or be given anything resembling work to do. This is unusual. In all my years of working for temp agencies, and being sent on assignment to all manner of strange places of business, I have never been left to sit alone for 3+ HOURS on my very first day. I already read the news (which I haven't really been able to do for a few weeks, so that was great) and caught up on all my email, even writing to people to whom I nothing of interest to say. I'm feeling paranoid that I'm going to get caught fucking around on the job, but there is no job to speak of! And they specifically wanted me to come in today instead of Monday for why?

In other news, it is damned cold today. I'm not just saying this because I'm a wimpy little California girl, oh no. Even the natives are shocked and dismayed at the extent of the evil cold today. I thought my head was going to freeze and fall off on my short walk from the train station to the office. The wind was intent on hurling little particle of icy badness into my eyes, and I think some very crucial part of my brain is now frostbitten.

Is it time to take a lunch break yet? I mean jeez, I've been working so hard.

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