...politics, pop culture, and self-deprecation...


I think the most annoying aspect of the Abramoff guilty plea is the way everyone is acting as though they didn't know this kind of shit went on. As though they're fooling anyone. Abramoff's public apology, his declarations of atonement and pleas for god's forgiveness...it's disgusting. He's not sorry he did it, and no one could possibly believe that he is--he's sorry he got caught.

What is saddening is that everyone knows the political system is corrupt, but no one cares. These "revelations" aren't surprising anyone. We've just accepted for so long that this is how politics works. It's disgusting. Can it be changed? I'd like to believe so, but the truth is, no one cares.

Bush to Give Up $6,000 In Abramoff Contributions

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