...politics, pop culture, and self-deprecation...


From Washingtonpost.com:

"'Great countries, great democracies have a balance of power between central government and local governments, a balance of power within central governments between the executive branch and the legislative branch and the judicial branch,' [Bush] said."

Just last night I was talking with my housemate about how frustrating it is that current partisan politics seems to misunderstand the fundamental requirement of democracy, and the foundation of our government's structure: the balance of power between all branches of government, and between state and local power. To hold as the party's goal to control all branches of government strives to eliminate that very necessary balance. Not to mention the fact that Bush administration seems intent on reducing the state's control over education, policing, regulation of resources, and on and on.

I hate all this empty rhetoric. This administration operates consistently on the basis of the disconnection between what they say and what they do. They will be re-elected based on what they say, and no one will pay any attention to what they're actually doing.

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