...politics, pop culture, and self-deprecation...


So, I've revived my page just in time for me to have absolutely no time to write anything on it at all. Another example of my excellent foresight. Would that I had time to really read the news these days; as it is, I just read Wonkette and pretend I'm well informed.

But if you have a question about postcolonial literary theory, I'm all over that. I can explain to you the minute workings of imperialism in E.M. Forster's novels, and maybe even throw in some stuff about Joseph Conrad, just for kicks.

Of course, I can't tell you anything about Merchant of Venice, which is problem considering I'm going to have to tell a class full of people, including my professor, something about it in a few days. Wheee!

Only five more days before this school debacle is over, and I can say it's officially summer. Ok, it would be officially summer if the temperature would just stay over 60. Boston sux.

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